Online Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS) Certification

Go above and beyond Paediatric BLS training with this Paediatric Immediate Life Support Course by ProTrainings.

CPD Certified Provider of Training Excellence Online Training Approved by Skills for Care

Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS) Level 3 (VTQ) at a Glance

  • 1-year nationally recognised certificate
  • 5 hours and 8 minutes of engaging video training
  • Video access for 8 months
  • Printable wall certificate
  • Certified CPD time credit conformation
  • Follows latest UK Resuscitation and ERC guidelines
  • SCORM Ready! Integrates with your LMS
  • Includes manual & other downloads
  • Free weekly video refresher
  • Evidence Based Training certificate
  • Videos include subtitles
£34.95 + VAT

This Paediatric Immediate Life Support course covers ILS skills for infants and children.  This course is designed to meet the requirements of ILS courses laid down by UK Resus Council guidelines and is certified by ProTrainings. The aim is to train healthcare personnel in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, simple airway management and safe defibrillation (manual and/or AED), enabling them to manage patients in cardiac arrest until the arrival of a cardiac arrest team and to participate as members of that team. The course is run over one day and consists of lectures and practical sessions.

This course includes the latest CPR and Coronavirus recommendations.

All our first aid courses fully meet the UK and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021 as per the HSE requirements.

  • Medical professionals
  • Nurses
  • Medics
  • Doctors – Hospital
  • Doctors – Community
  • Medical students
  • Nurses – Hospital
  • Nurses – Community
  • Nursing students
  • Midwives
  • ODPs
  • Cardiac Technicians
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Radiographers
  • Resuscitation Training Officers
  • Dentists
  • Dental Nurses
  • Ambulance Technicians / Paramedics

This course comes with 6.0 hours of CPD, although the time to complete the course online may be less than this. Total course time includes 5 hours and 8 minutes of video training as well as knowledge reviews, final test, remedial help and reviewing downloaded material.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement.

Understand basic life support requirements

  • Describe the principles that underpin basic life support
  • Explain the circumstances under which resuscitation is performed
  • Explain why early intervention is necessary
  • Describe different types of cardiopulmonary arrest
  • Understand what pulse oximetry is and why it is important in assessing a patient
  • Explain the ABCDE approach to patient care
  • Explain how to check a patients pulse, temperature, blood pressure and other observations.
  • Explain what Hypoxia is and how it affects the patient
  • Explain the difference between a heart attack, angina and sudden cardiac arrest

Be able to demonstrate basic life support techniques

  • Demonstrate cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Demonstrate compression-only resuscitation
  • Demonstrate the use of resuscitation barrier devices
  • Demonstrate how to manage a choking child and infant
  • Demonstrate the use of an automated external defibrillator
  • Describe the differences when using an automated external defibrillator on a child and on an adult
  • Explain why suction is used to maintain the airway
  • Explain how an Oropharyngeal airway is used and why they benefit the airway
  • Explain the requirements of a do not resuscitate order
  • Demonstrate correct use of a bag valve mask on an infant & child

Be able to demonstrate post-resuscitation procedures

  • Demonstrate how to place an infant and child in the recovery position
  • Identify the risks when placing a casualty in the recovery position
  • Describe handover and reporting procedures
  • Explain the correct administration of Oxygen on a patient (infant & child)
  • Understand the correct assembly, disassembly and storage of an Oxygen kit
  • Explain the different types of an Oxygen mask and when you would use them

Be able to carry out basic user maintenance and troubleshoot problems with an automated external defibrillator

  • Identify when a defibrillator battery requires changing
  • Identify when electrode pads need replacing
  • Demonstrate how to troubleshoot problems if the automated external defibrillator does not function correctly

Understand the safe use of an automated external defibrillator

  • Describe the safety considerations when using AEDs

Understanding infection control and the use of barriers

  • Explain the importance of barriers and why they are needed to prevent infection and cross-contamination
  • ProTrainings - COVID-19 Update on CPR from the UK Resus Council
  • Student Manual (V8.7) - Paediatric First Aid
  • AED infographic will guide you through the steps
  • Adult CPR Flowchart
  • Adult CPR Flowchart handout/poster
  • Asthma UK weblink
  • Asthma spacer user instructions - GlaxoSmithKline Aerochamber Plus
  • BOC Oxygen kit leaflet for medical
  • CR2 AED user manual to learn more about this unit. For more information contact us.
  • Catastrophic bleeding and trauma First Aid Guidance From ProTrainings
  • CellAED for Life membership
  • CellAED® personal AED
  • Child CPR Flowchart
  • Child CPR Flowchart handout/poster
  • Child and Infant CPR Flowchart Handout
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) link to the NHS website
  • Dutch - Student manual
  • Emerade - Package leaflet: Information for the user
  • Find a classroom course locally
  • Find out what other courses are available as video online, blended and classroom courses nationally on our course finder
  • First Aid and Social Distancing poster
  • Free student first aid program leaflet
  • French - First Aid Plus student manual
  • HeartSine 350 Information Leaflet
  • Heartsine 350 AED unit
  • How to register to call EMS by text
  • Infant CPR Flowchart
  • Infant CPR Flowchart handout/poster
  • Italian - Student manual
  • Jext Product Data Sheets
  • Jext patient Information Sheet
  • Lifepac CR2 AED Data Sheet
  • Link to the HSE website
  • Meningitis Now website with many leaflets and resources link
  • NHS Choices Web link
  • Oxygen User Instructions - Gas rentals are available from ProTrainings, contact us for more information
  • Oxygen and Analgesic gases from ProTrainings
  • Polish - Student manual
  • ProTrainings - Using an AED Leaflet
  • ProTrainings Defibrillator eGuide
  • Regulated - COVID 19 Pre-Screen Student Evaluation Form
  • Spanish - Student manual
  • Student Manual (V7.0) - First Aid - Arabic
  • Student Manual (V7.0) - First Aid - Spanish
  • Student Manual (V8.3) - Pierwsza Pomoc w Pracy Ksiazka studenta - Polish
  • Student Manual (V8.6) - Anatomy and Physiology Human Body
  • Student Manual V8.6 - First Aid - Portuguese
  • Student manual V8.6 - First Aid - French
  • Ukrainian - Student manual
  • Web link to the Joint Epilepsy Council website - JEC
  • Woundclot - haemostatic gauze for all types of bleeding
  • Zoll AED Plus user guide
  • Zoll AED Pro User Guide

What People are Saying

“I learnt a lot Thank you”

- Crispen

“I was under the impression that this PILS training would follow the same structure as results council courses, i.e. using the mnemonic WETFLAG”

- David from East Riding of Yorkshire